pokeRadar (Android Scanner App-Overlay) v0.31
Android App that scans around you for all nearby Pokemon
Login with a Pokemon Trainer Club Account.
If the Reverse button is turned on, each time you click on a Pokemon-marker you will get the Address of the Location.
If you longpress on the Mapview the app gets minimized and is still running in the background. To reopen just longpress on the pokeball.
When you start the app, enter your credentials (only PTC credentials for now) pls dont use your main account, we dont know if you can get banned for scanning and press login.
A popup windows above the Mainapp will be shown. Press your homebutton afterwards, dont press the backbutton!!!.
The Overlay is drawn above all other windows and can be minimized by clicking on the pokeball (maybe more than once), the Overlay will then be minimized. It can be maximized again by clicking on the pokeball.
Your location is pulled directly from your GPS and always set to your current location and indicated by the red marker icon.
Nearby pokemon are shown on the map as small icons and can be clicked to show their name and the remaining time. They disappear automatically when the timer runs out.
A small blue circle (should be constantly moving) is shown on the map, indication the current location that is scanned.
The scanned area is shown by a blue rectangle and can be adjusted by using the sliders in the MainApp
Visualize Searchbox
After one succesful login, the login token is saved and you can login with the token instead of username + pass
sliders to control searchbox
changed searchalgorithm back to simple for loop
overlay functionality changed: -- on first run press twice on the pokeball to minimize -- press once on the pokeball to maximize again
v0.3 released MASSIVE REFACTOR done! Should improve the app for everyone.
should run much better now
search, pokeballand mapview run in separate services now
pokeball is draggable now , also dismissable if dragged down (may not work 100% yet, close through recent apps if you want to be sure its closed)
mapview is opened on single click on pokeball (you may need to press the pokeball multiple times, bug)
username+password+loginbuttons won't disappear when successfully logged in, just minimize by pressing the homebutton and your good to go!
Upcoming Features
save/read pokemon in database!!! | done
filters -> only show wanted pokemons | 50 of 100% done
notification -> get notifications if wanted pokemons are on map | 25 of 100% done
close button ;)
add "intelligent" search function that searches less often where no pokemons have been found the last few minutes
add offset to searchbox
fix weird layout changes when rotating the screen
change the color of the pokeball if there is a connection error
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