[HOT][Substratum]  Theme  Packs [Patched][*Root ]

Added Packs:

Spectrum Theme v10.1.1 [Patched]


Outline Theme v8.0.1 [Patched]


[Substratum] Neon Colors Theme v3.5 [Patched]


[Substratum] Belo v1.7 [Patched]

Overview: ***WORKS  ON  LOLLIPOP &  MARSHMALLOW!!!*** 

What is Substratum?
Substratum is an application, downloadable from the Play Store, that utilizes all of Sony's Overlay Manager Service (OMS), found on the official AOSP code review. This is similar to Layers in terms of stability and customization as it runs off an upgraded version of the Resource Runtime Overlay system, with the added benefit of running up-to-date Sony code on a customized ROM.

Spectrum Theme v10.1.1 [Patched]
Requirements: 6.0 & up + Substratum Theme Engine + Root

Choose the correct framework, L for Lollipop and M for Marshmallow.

Disclaimer: You must use Stock Android M on a Nexus OR a ROM that fully supports Layers/RRO theming!!!

MUST BE ROOTED and have the Layers Manager app!

Read the instructions within the plugin before applying layers!!!


Choose only ONE framework option in the General section (L Dark or Black OR M Dark or Black). Choose what apps you want themed in the General section. Then choose one framework theme option at the bottom. If you want Pitch Black or Dark with just white accents, then do not apply a framework at the bottom. Reboot and enjoy!


- Choose SystemUI with or without notification borders in the General section.
- Choose SystemUI with or without navbar icons (CUSTOM MADE!!)
- Choose SystemUI with or without translucent qs panel.

Applications Themed:
- AOSP Browser
- AOSP Keyboard
- AOSP Messaging
- Apk Extractor
- Calculator
- CellBroadcastReceiver
- Chrome
- Chrome Beta
- Chrome Dev
- Contacts
- Desk Clock
- Dialer
- DocumentsUI
- ES File Explorer
- Framework (L or M, Black or Dark)
- Gmail
- Google Calculator
- Google Calendar (WIP!)
- Google Contacts (*Flash Theme Ready ZIP)
- Google Desk Clock
- Google Dialer (*Flash Theme Ready ZIP)
- Google Keyboard
- Google Messenger
- Google Now (Velvet)
- Google Opinion Rewards (WIP!)
- Google Package Installer
- Google Play Services
- Google+
- Google+ Theme Ready (*Flash Theme Ready ZIP)
- Hangouts
- Hangouts Theme Ready (*Flash Theme Ready ZIP)
- Inbox
- Instagram
- Layers Manager
- Lock Clock
- Media Provider
- Nova
- Package Installer
- Pandora (Notifications)
- Phone
- Play Music
- Play Music with Transparent Widget BG
- Play Store
- Pure Nexus Settings
- Settings
- SMS Backup & Restore
- SuperSU
- SystemUI
- Telecom
- TeleService
- WhatsApp
- YouTube

- Acid
- Acidic Haze
- Acidic Steel
- AquaLime
- Azure (Dark Blue/Light Blue)
- Blaze
- Blazing Diablo
- Blazing Steel
- Carolina Blue
- Chief (Blue and Maroon)
- Christmas (Red/Green)
- Chrome
- Copper
- Cyan-ide
- Darq Turq
- Detroit Lions (Blue/Silver)
- Detroit Tigers (Dark Blue/Orange)
- Diablo
- Electric Blue
- Elixir (Blue/Orange)
- Emerald Green
- Forest (Brown/Green)
- Gladiator (Gold/Purple)
- Grape (Purple)
- Haze (Neon Purple)
- Hot Pink
- Hurricane (Green/Orange)
- Irish Gold (Green/Gold)
- Lagoon (Blue/Green)
- Lavender Field (Soft Purple)
- Liberty (Red/White/Blue)
- Limelight (Soft Green)
- MaizeBlue (Blue/Yellow)
- Neapolitan (Pink/White/Brown)
- Rajah (Soft Orange)
- Roman Empire (Maroon/Gold)
- PinkPurple
- Pitch Black (For Pitch Black, Do NOT apply an extra framework styles option and choose the black framework)
- Slate
- Spartan (Green and White)
- Steel (Holo Blue)
- Stormy Seas (Blue/Sea Green)
- Stormy Skies (Blue/Gray)
- Sunny Day (Yellow)
- Sunrise (Red/Orange/Yellow)
- Teal Blast
- Teal Dark
- Vegas Gold


What's New in 10.1.1?
• Fixed FC on AOSP Dialer!
• Fixed a couple colors on Google Dialer!
*Recommend the new Google Dialer, much better than AOSP in my opinion and can be pitch black!
• Fixed brightness slider background when pressed!
• More bug fixes!


Download Link:




Outline Theme v8.0.1 [Patched]

Requirements: 6.0 & up + Substratum Theme Engine + Root

Overview: Requirements:
1. Android Version & ROM: Supports Android 6 and 7 (no CM ROMs)

Android 6.0.X: Stock, Layers and OMS ROMs
Android 7.0.X: Stock and OMS ROMs
2. Display Density:
- xhdpi, xxhdpi or xxxhdpi device, most things should work on lower densities too

3. Theme Engine App:
- Substratum (min Version: 135)

Outline themes approximately 74 Apps:

Overlays for 41 Third Party Apps

Overlays for 10 System Apps

To see which apps are themed have a look here: https://goo.gl/2ZvIGT 

Choose between many colors (Outline, Material & Pastel versions of most colors) and mix and match them by choosing your accent and primary color.
Color preview: http://goo.gl/SPrA4i 

Community & Support: goo.gl/aBnG0m

Setup used for the screenshots:
Action Launcher 3 ( https://goo.gl/ZGZR4U )
Magme icons ( https://goo.gl/Mi25HX )


- 8.0.1: https://goo.gl/iwqaYs 
- 8: https://goo.gl/tUezY0 
Full 7.1.1 support
Full Dirty Unicorns support
Themed Smartbar
Themed Battery Icons (only on some ROMs)
New Overlay: DU Updater
Drop Marshmallow support
- 7.2: https://goo.gl/exYXa9 
- 7:1: https://goo.gl/TZr0EF 

Download Link:



[Substratum] Neon Colors Theme v3.5 [Patched]

Requirements: 6.0 & up + Substratum Theme Engine + Root

Overview: Neon Colors Theme For Substratum Theme Engine

Theme Now Suppors Android Nougat (7)
You have issues Better to mail me then posting in rating section


*DISCLAIMER:* You must use Stock Rooted Android M on a Nexus OR a ROM that fully supports Layers/Substratum theming!

MUST BE ROOTED and have the Substratum Theme Engine app!

Substratum Theme Engine App:

Do let me know if you have issues better to mail me then posting in rating section


1. For Legacy ROMs: Make sure you first delete vendor/overlay folder if you previously use layers on your ROM
2. Install Substratum
3. Install Theme
4. Run Substratum app, allow the SuperSU permission, allow modify system settings 
5. Click on Neon Colors Theme and wait to recreate caches and click again
6. Select all the overlays
7. Make sure you choose the options you'd like for AOSP Keyboard, Android, Settings and SystemUI.
8. Press the fab button (big round button with brush icon)
9. For Legacy ROMs: Press Install 
9. For OMS ROMs: Press Compile 
10. For Legacy ROMs: Wait until it installs all the overlays and then reboot 
10. For OMS ROMs: Wait until it finishes compiling and then again press the fab button and select Enable 
10a. For OMS ROMs: Restart SystemUI from Substratum app if needed

Themed Apps:
*Google Messenger
*Google Keyboard
*Google Now
*Google Plus
*Google Settings
*Documents UI
**Many More To Come


Updates For Android 7.1.1
Hangout And Google Plus Added
Theme Updated For Adroid N
Whats App Rethemed
Have Issues Mail Me
Fixed Some More Icons
New Google Play Bug Fixed
Google Keyboard Themed
Rethemed Main System files
May Improvements on Icons and colors
Fixed All Known Major Bugs
Mail Me Whats Left
Theme Now Supports Substratum

Download Link:



[Substratum]Pastel Dark Theme v2.4 [Patched]

Requirements: 6.0 & up + Substratum Theme Engine + Root 

Overview: Pastel Dark Theme For Substratum Theme Engine

Theme Support Now Android 7
you have issues mail me
*DISCLAIMER:* You must use Stock Rooted Android M on a Nexus OR a ROM that fully supports Layers/Substratum theming!
MUST BE ROOTED and have the Substratum Theme Engine app!
Substratum Theme Engine App:
Do let me know if you have issues better to mail me then posting in rating section
1. For Legacy ROMs: Make sure you first delete vendor/overlay folder if you previously use layers on your ROM
2. Install Substratum
3. Install Theme
4. Run Substratum app, allow the SuperSU permission, allow modify system settings
5. Click on Pastel Dark Theme and wait to recreate caches and click again
6. Select all the overlays
7. Make sure you choose the options you'd like for AOSP Keyboard, Android, Settings and SystemUI.
8. Press the fab button (big round button with brush icon)
9. For Legacy ROMs: Press Install
9. For OMS ROMs: Press Compile
10. For Legacy ROMs: Wait until it installs all the overlays and then reboot
10. For OMS ROMs: Wait until it finishes compiling and then again press the fab button and select Enable
10a. For OMS ROMs: Restart SystemUI from Substratum app if needed
Themed Apps:
*Google Messenger
*Google Keyboard
*Google Now
*Google Plus
*Google Settings
*Documents UI
**Many More To Come
Theme Upated For Android 7.1.1
Added Support For Substratum
Mail me issues and problems
Many bug fixes and improvements
Added Whats App
Google Plus
Fixed In Call Dialpad

Download Link:



[Substratum] Belo v1.7 [Patched]

Requirements: 6.0 & up + 

Substratum Theme Engine + Root


• Theme works on:
- OMS ROMs: custom Marshmallow and Nougat 7.0 ROMs with oms commits

- Legacy ROMs: custom AOSP Marshmallow and Nougat 7.0 ROMs and Nexus stock Marshmallow and Nougat 7.0 ROMs
• Doesn't work on android 7.1.x
• You won't be able to install the theme if you have installed Lucky Patcher on your device
• You have to be rooted.

Friendly user tutorial on how to install the theme:

1. For Legacy ROMs: Make sure you first delete vendor/overlay folder if you previously use layers on your ROM
2. Install Substratum theme engine app from Play Store
3. Install Belo
4. Run Substratum app, allow the SuperSU permission, allow modify system settings 
5. Click on Belo (big button in the Substratum app)
6. Go to Overlay manager tab and tick the switch to select all overlays
7. Press the fab button (big round button with brush icon)
8. For Legacy ROMs: Press Install 
9. For OMS ROMs: Press Build & Enable 
10. For Legacy ROMs: Wait until it installs all the overlays and then reboot 
11. Install additional font and sound packs if you want
12. #longwhiteui
13. For those who give 1 star before reading the instructions we have only one thing to say "You Know Nothing, Jon Snow."


- Android System
- Calculator (AOSP & Google)
- Telecom
- Contacts (AOSP & Google)
- DocumentsUI
- Emergency Information
- Gmail
- Keyboard (Google)
- Play Store
- Google Play Service
- Google+
- Google Messenger
- Package Installer (AOSP & Google)
- Dialer (AOSP & Google)
- Phone Services
- Settings
- SuperSU
- SystemUI (headers and navbar)
- YouTube
- substratum

I'll keep adding more apps and options...


- Fully themed new Google Dialer
- Fully themed new Google Contacts
- Fully themed Gboard
- Regular bug fixes and enhancement

Download Link:




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